Lab – Baby Walkthrough
Baby is an easy machine on Vulnlab that involves enumerating LDAP & spraying credentials. For SYSTEM we exploit SeBackup & SeRestore Privileges.
Baby is an easy machine on Vulnlab that involves enumerating LDAP & spraying credentials. For SYSTEM we exploit SeBackup & SeRestore Privileges.
We are solving Hutch from PG-Practice. For user, we will get credentials from LDAP & use them to upload a web shell via Webdav. For root, we will read a LAPS password for the intended way & then explore other methods.
Monteverde is a 30-point Windows machine on HackTheBox that involves some LDAP and SMB enumeration to get the user flag. For root we exploit Azure AD Connect’s way of storing the password for the account that synchronizes on premise AD accounts with Azure AD.
Resolute is a 30-point Windows machine on HackTheBox that involves enumerating LDAP, Password Spraying, and using the DNSAdmins group to register a custom plugin DLL which allows us to execute code as SYSTEM.
Ypuffy is a rather unique machine on because it features OpenBSD as operating system. In my version of getting root it didn't matter too much unfortunately because a public kernel exploit gave root quite easily. Ypuffy features ldap and smb enumeration and then application of public exploit for OpenBSD.