Nest @ HackTheBox
Nest is a 20-point Windows machine on HackTheBox that involves searching through smb shares and analyzing 2 short custom programs.
Nest is a 20-point Windows machine on HackTheBox that involves searching through smb shares and analyzing 2 short custom programs.
Postman is a 20-point machine on hackthebox, that involves using redis to write an ssh key to disk, cracking the... read more
Json is a 30-point system on HackTheBox that involves exploiting a .NET deserialization vulnerability and has multiple ways for privilege... read more
Rainbow is a medium difficulty machine that involves a SEH-based buffer overflow for user and a UAC bypass for root. read more
Luke is a rather short, easy machine on hackthebox, which was nonetheless fun to solve and our team got both... read more
We are solving Cereal, a 40-point machine on HackTheBox. For user, we will exploit a pretty tricky deserialization vulnerability in... read more
We are going to solve Ready, a 30-point machine on HackTheBox. For user, we exploit the "Import Repo by URL"... read more
We are going to solve Atom, a 30-point machine on HackTheBox where we'll analyze an electron app and exploit its... read more
We are solving Sink, a 50-point Linux machine on HackTheBox that involves HTTP Request Smuggling & retrieving secrets from Localstack. read more
This is a short walkthrough on Lustrous, a chain consisting of 2 machines on vulnlab. read more
We are solving Crossfit2, a 50-point OpenBSD machine on HackTheBox. read more